
Süße Sucht

The goal

Time to make a change: With this short film, I want to encourage people to question their sugar consumption – for a healthier society and a sugar-sweet future.

94 % of rats prefer sugar over cocaine

Lenoir et al. (2007, p.1)


Sugar is a drug, so it’s time to show it as such: The underestimated danger is visualised with an ambiguous depiction of sugar in the context of illegal narcotics. Since sugar consumption is commonplace and is usually not questioned, the film resorts to a drastic depiction to startle viewers.





better in motion

Mein Showreel

Canon EOS R5 Mark II

8,64 x 3,20 Meter Schaufenster-Beklebung zum Verkaufsstart

Foto Leistenschneider. Fokus auf Dich.

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